
Hubby's out of commision

I apologize for being a tease. I have good reason...

Hubby plays hockey once a week. This Tuesday, hubby decides to get tripped by another player. He falls on the ice, slides across the ice, and barrels into the boards on his side at full speed. HUBBY BREAKS HIS COLLARBONE (for the third time)!!!

So, I had wanted to post before Tuesday, but couldn't get up the energy 'cause I haven't been feeling too great. Then, Tuesday comes, and I had to take care of Andrew. So, now, he's sleeping, I've got a crap load of dirty dishes covering the entire counter and waiting to be washed. I decided blogging and catching up on some much needed computer time was more important. Then, I will go and watch my Thursday night shows and find myself doing the dishes until the wee hours of the morning. Oh, well! Relaxing and me time is also much needed today.

So... if I don't post for a while, it's because I'm being mother, doctor, nurse, wife and babysitter for hubby : )

ps I wanted to post a picture, but Andrew would not let me take one (he says I've embarrassed him enough on my blog). I tried to get one of him sleeping, but couldn't use the flash for fear of waking him up and it's too dark. Oh, well... another time!


Ali Kat said...

He says he'd get his arse bitten off by a shark if he was scuba diving. Plus, we, uh, live in the prairies, and I don't think any oceans will be coming here anytime soon. Although, I used to work at a swimming pool, and they had a scuba club there. Only human fish to see, not too exciting!!

Logzie said...

I hope he feels better soon!! :-(