
6 Months!

I can't believe my baby's already 6 months old! Wow, time flies! She's teething right now, yesterday was not a fun day (for either of us). She's usually so good and happy, so it was hard to deal with and I really didn't know what to do. Hopefully today will be better.

Also, I wanted to post this right after the oscars - but just didn't, so here's my beef...

If any of you have seen the movie "Enchanted" you know that Amy Adams sings both the working song and How Do You Know. So, I was quite surprised to hear that Kristin Chenoweth was singing the latter. I don't know exactly what the reasoning for this was (I heard something about Disney thinking that she was more experienced with live performances), and frankly, whatever it was, they obviously didn't know what they were doing. I like Chenoweth, don't get me wrong, but Adams would have done a much better job. The song was made for her, and Chenoweth cacked so many notes and just didn't have the right character. Anyhoo, I'll let you judge for yourselves...


About Me

The Basics

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Height: 5’6"

Profession: A stay at home mom, taught junior high and high school music for four years

Relationship Status: Married

Religious Views: Christian

My Favorites

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Car: A new Bug convertible

Favorite Movie: Any musical and I’m good

Favorite Hobby: TV and reading

Favorite Song/Singer: Song: Someone to Watch Over Me
Singer: Harry Connick Jr.

Favorite Book/Author: Jane Austen

Favorite School Subject: Musical Theatre

Favorite Vacation Destination: Venice/Rome

Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite Restaurant: Starbucks – only for an Iced Mocha

Favorite Animal: Zebra

Favorite Store: Dynamite

Favorite Celebrity : Patrick Dempsey/Christian Bale

Favorite Childhood Friend: Courtney – and I always wonder what she’s up to now

Favorite Childhood Memory: Rollerskating in our basement

Favorite Baby Name: Not gonna tell, you could steal it

Favorite Person In Your Life: My hubby and my daughter

This or That

Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate, who in their right mind would choose vanilla?!?

Big Mac or Whopper: Neither, yuck

Coke or Pepsi : Pepsi, all the way

Beer or Wine: Beer

Coffee or Tea: Coffee, but with chocolate milk

Apple Juice or O.J.: O.J. every morning

Summer or Winter: Summer

Windows or Mac: Mac is the best

Cats or Dogs: Dogs

Boxers or Briefs: Boxer briefs, ha!

Rain or Shine : I like both

Chips or Popcorn: Again, both

Salty or Sweet: Usually salty followed by something sweet

Plane or Boat: Boat

Morning or Night: A night owl

Movie or Play: Play

Walk or Drive: Drive.

Money or Love: I can have both, can’t I?

Breakfast or Dinner: Dinner

Forgiveness or Revenge: Forgive

Paint or Wallpaper: Paint

House or Apartment: House

Do You?

Have Any Pets: Fish, and they keep dying

Have Any Children: One beautiful little girl

Smoke: No

Drink: In moderation

Exercise: I have the best intentions

Play On A Sports Team: No

Belong To Any Organizations: Manitoba Opera, Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Winnipeg, Springs Church, Canadian Actors’ Equity Association

Love Your Job: When she’s happy (which is most of the time)

Like To Cook: Cook, no – Bake, YES

Play An Instrument: Voice, Piano, Bass Guitar, Flute and dabbled in many others

Sing: Heck yes

Dance: Yep, but I wish I was better

Speak Multiple Languages: No

Ice Skate: Hate it

Swim: Yep, taught lessons for 7 years

Paint: Walls

Write: I only wish I was as good as my husband

Ski: Downhill since I was 6

Juggle: Nope

Have You Ever?

Stolen Anything: Yes, a chocolate bar when I was 4 and an ashtray

Been Drunk: A few times, but never again – it’s way too embarassing

Had Sex In A Public Place: No

Got Caught Telling A Lie: Yes

Got A Speeding Ticket: Yes

Been Arrested: No

Littered: Yes, but I’ve changed my ways

Fantasized About A Co-Worker: Yes

Cheated On A Test: Yes

Cheated In A Relationship: No

Failed A Class: Ummm… yeah

Screened Your Phone Calls: All the time

Eaten Food Off The Floor: Yes, 3 second rule (or is it 5?)

Stuck Gum Under A Desk: Yes

Wished You Were Someone Else: Yep

Cried During A Movie: All the time – even in “Home Alone”

Had A One Night Stand: No


Describe Yourself
In One Word: I have no idea

Biggest Fear: My daughter dying before me

Biggest Mistake: Too many to list

Your Proudest Accomplishment: Becoming a mom, and loving it

#1 Priority In Your Life: My child

Dream Job: Broadway

Causes You Believe In: Childrens hospital

Special Talents: I’m a musician, that’s all

Where Are You Right Now: In my office at home

Where Would You Rather Be: In bed

Place To Visit Before You Die: Jerusalem

Song Played At Your Funeral: Faithful to Me


My soldier girl!

A cute fun picture with a serious post!

I have a feeling many Christian parents have had these thoughts, but I just needed to get them out of my head, in writing and out there for some opinions. It's a crazy world we live in. I sometimes wonder why I brought a child into it - but then conclude that this is what we were made to do, and just hope that I can be a good example and teach my children what they need to know to follow the right path and tell others about Jesus. I know we don't / can't have all the answers, but I've been thinking lately that I don't know if I would have any. I've never really been book smart, so reading the Bible for me is a challenge. Hubby bought me the Amplified Version for my birthday 2 yrs ago, and I really love it and it brought a lot out that I hadn't realized before. But, I'm not a huge conversationalist when it comes to talking about my faith, and I always get nervous when it comes up. Why is that? Something I'm so confident about on the inside seems to be so hard to get across to people. I want my daughter to be a soldier for God - a fisher of men. But I don't even know where to begin! One verse that stands out for me is Ephesians 6:11 - "Put on God's whole armor, that you may be able successfully to stand up against all the strategies and the deceits of the devil." I know life doesn't always go as planned (and I know what I was like growing up, and that my parents probably didn't expect a lot of what I did to happen), but, man, this is making me nervous. I'm so excited to watch Bethany grow up, but so scared that I won't know what to do!!

Let's end on a better note: Happy Valentine's day :D