
My two favorites!

Just thought I'd post these so y'all could see what I'm talkin' about. One of my faves (Vincent) got voted off last night and totally didn't deserve to! Oh well, it's hard to get but that's what happens when you leave things in the hands of teens ;) Hubby got tics to see the top ten in February - I'm so pumped!!



"Canadian's So You Think You Can Dance is second to none" - Dan Karaty.

We rock Canada :D Talent coming out the ying yang ;) I so LOVE this show - it's up there with my other two faves - Grey's Anatomy and ER (boo hoo, ER is leaving us)! Maybe it's the fact that I've always wanted to be a "real" dancer, but man, I love this show (oops, did I say that already?)!! Okay, that's all I really have to say... Watch it, and see for yourself :)



Not much is new with us! I was performing with the Ballet at the end of October, so rehearsals were keeping me quite busy. We FINALLY got carpet in the basement, so it's actually functional now (and Beth just loves roaring around)! I'm trying to get the storage room organized now so we can get the rest of our belongings which have been living at my sisters place for the past 3 years. Obviously if we can live without them for that long, they're not too important (a lot of books). I'm hoping to really do some good purging in the next few weeks. I already dropped off 5 huge garbage bags full of clothes. I can't believe I actually kept things from 10 - 15 years ago! YIKES :P Here are some pics for you to enjoy (or don't enjoy them ;) I figured if Teresa could do them, then so could I!! Although, you can't see hers anymore... maybe she'll humor us, too?

My little monkey has now had two poops in the potty! It's spanned out over a few days, but it's a start!

An avid reader. She often just goes to her room and sits to read for a long while :D

She loves this "truck. It mostly gets pushed, 'cause she's not quite tall enough to reach the floor and push herself well enough to steer without banging into everything. We have an awesome video of Beth and Rachel pushing each other, way too cute :)