
Another Yum, Yum!

I know I've been a terrible blog tease. Many reasons - here are two:

1. We've been crazy busy doing stuff with family, friends and working on the house.
2. I feel totally creative challenged and figured it was better to not write anything, than to write something completely boring!

But, I did promise another recipe, so here goes...

Popcorn Cake (simply marvelous)

1 cup butter
1/4 cup oil
1 pkg. (500g) Marshmallows

Add in a big (by big it means really big) bowl:
16 oz. baking gumdrops
1 1/2 cups peanuts
24 cups popped popcorn

Mix all ingredients (I suggest pouring the melted on top of the other stuff)
press into angel food cake pan
Let cool for at least one hour

Here's a tasty pic:


Ali Kat said...


I don't know what happened! Blogger's been giving me grief lately. The pic should be there now!

Ali Kat said...

Let me know if it still doesn't work.

Peach Pod said...

Believe it or not Emeril di a similar recipe on one of his Christmas show. Must be tough keeping up with big time chefs!

Ali Kat said...

Ha, ha, peach pod. I am by far a chef! Just ask hubby! I panic every time I get in the kitchen. Though, I did make some pretty cute cookies yesterday : )