
Bethany Following Instructions

I thought it was about time that I posted a video of Beth! I just love how she actually followed my instructions at first! She's still only saying dada and I'm starting to get quite upset, me being home with her all day :( Sorry it's sideways, but it took me 5 days to finally be able to load this and I'm not about to try and turn it yet too. Just tilt your head and suck it up ;)


Rock Chef said...

Aw, she is just so cute! I love that age!

They always say dada first -it is much easier than mama. Sorry.

I guess you could always change your name to EEEEEEEEEEE! or something!

Have a great weekend!

Teresa said...

She is just so precious! I too love that age! Thanks for sharing your precious little one with us Ali Kat! She's adorable!

Anonymous said...

Ridiculously adorably unspeakably cute!

Real Tech Mom said...

Aww So cute! Love it! Yeah it would miff me if Dom only said Da da LOL She'll do it eventually :P

Bowering said...

I've heard that if your child says dada first then your next baby will be a boy - my son didn't say mom for a long time, so I know how you feel, don't worry it will come in time.

Tell your daughter her 3 boyfriends here think she is a cutie :)

Rock Chef said...

Hi, how are things? You have been quiet for a while. Hope things are OK!

James said...

Yeah they always say Dada first. It seems so unfair doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

sooo cute :^)