Just imagine this is me... for the next 3 weeks (hopefully less). If you can't guess why, I'll tell. Baby is NOT head down. I'm thirty six and a half weeks and baby is being stubborn. Last time I went to the doctor, baby was head down, so I guess it's been moving a lot. Wondering why I'm writing about it? I'm asking for your thoughts and prayers. Pray that my uterus will open up and loosen so that baby will get into position. The pic I posted (since I didn't think anyone wanted to actually see me in that position) is the one my Obstetrician told me to be in lots in the next little while. Hope you get a good laugh out of it :D Thanks in advance for your support!
Posted by Ali Kat at 5:57 p.m. 6 comments
Ah, the joys!
First, I need to say a big congrats to Zig and Alyssa - Welcome to the world Rachel Maria!!
I was in the hospital last night. Before I was pregnant, I got Migraines - I would be out for 1-2 days, was nauseous, but never threw up. Yesterday, I had a brutal migraine and was throwing up. So, when you're pregnant you worry a little more about getting dehydrated and also about baby. Hubby and I decided to go to the hospital just to make sure I didn't need to be put on IV and to check that baby was okay. We get to emerg and they send me straight up to the 3rd floor (labour and delivery ward). I was basically the only one up there when we arrived, they put me in a room, hooked me up to the baby heart monitor and then a great doctor came to see me. He checked everything out and said it was definitely a migraine and gave me a T3. 45 minutes later I still had the pain and it hadn't subsided. Then I got a Gravol (to help with the nauseousness) and they say it can also help the pain. Then, they kicked me out of my room! Don't worry, it was fine. About an hour after we arrived at the hospital, there were women in early labour that were waiting for a room, so we totally understood that they needed my bed. They put me in the waiting room and since baby was ok and they weren't concerned about me being dehydrated and weren't gonna put me on IV, we decided to go home. Got home around 1am, woke up at 3 and the headache was gone, YAY! I'm still feeling really nauseous today and the headache is lingering, but nothing I can't handle! Just a little extra here: When I got home form the hospital, I had realized that I hadn't prayed at all for healing. I immediately asked God to forgive me for not trusting Him and prayed for healing and the pain to go away. I'm 100% sure that he answered :) God is good :D
This pic was taken at the lake 2 weeks ago! Only 4 more weeks to go, YAY!!
Posted by Ali Kat at 10:54 a.m. 2 comments