My new favorite dessert: Chocolate Raspberry Torte! O my goodness, this is so amazing (I think I can say that even though I made it, right?). It's not too sweet and not too bitter, just the perfect amount of icing, and nice and thick (I don't like fluffy cakes). I decorated it all by myself, I was really proud! Here's the recipe:
Chocolate Raspberry Torte
1 package semi-sweet baker's chocolate
3/4 cup butter
1 package raspberry jell-o powder
1/2 cup sugar
3 eggs
1/3 cup flour
2 cups whipped cream (1 cup liquid to make 2 cups whipped [I add some icing sugar and vanilla to make my whipped cream])
Melt butter and 4 squares chocolate
stir dry jelly powder and sugar into chocolate until well blended
mix in eggs
stir in flour
pour into lined (waxpaper) 9" round cake pan
bake at 350* for 40 min (in my oven it's only 35)
Melt remaining 4 squares of chocolate
stir in whipped cream until smooth
frost the cake once it's cooled
More great recipes to come...
Yum, yum!!
Posted by Ali Kat at 9:47 a.m. 3 comments
Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I know it's a little late, as most of you won't read this until after Christmas. Hope you enjoy time with friends and family celebrating the birth of Christ and His amazing gift to us. The gift of salvation and eternal life!
Love Alison
Posted by Ali Kat at 10:56 a.m. 1 comments
A friend lost...
On Sunday, my friend Michael passed away. I find it hard to deal with this death as so many people were praying for healing and a miracle for Michael. The weekend was a roller coaster. There were many times where the doctors thought he would make it, and then it just went downhill. We didn't find out about his death until last night, as his wife had to fly home to tell the children. I know the Lord has a plan in all this, but it will be hard for his wife and 2 children to understand at this time. The picture I chose to post is symbolic of something that we all need to remember. Michael (the small tree and only one lit) is in heaven rejoicing with God and the Angels, while we (all the other trees around him) are on earth in a dark and dreary place. We need to remember that he was in pain here on earth, and will be much happier in eternity with God. This is a hard concept to grasp for those who are grieving... please pray for peace in their hearts and healing in their souls that can only come with time. I thank you guys for your prayers and ask for continued prayers for their family and friends. I also wanted to post a few verses that have helped me in the last few days, that will hopefully be of use to some of you! These verses are from the Amplified Bible:
Matthew 11:28-30 Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find recreation and blessed quiet for you souls. For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good - not harsh or pressing, but comfortable, gracious and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne.
Isaiah 40:28-31 ...The everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not faint or grow weary; there is no searching of His understanding. He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength, causing it to multiply and making it to abound. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and selected young men shall feebly stumble and fall exhausted. But those who wait for, expect, look for, and hope in the Lord shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up close to God as eagles mount up to the sun; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.
Posted by Ali Kat at 10:55 a.m. 3 comments
Prayer Needed!!!
I have a 38 year old friend who has been having heart troubles for the past 6 years. He needed a transplant and was called on Friday morning to go and have the Surgery. The initial transplant went really well. Friday night he was doing fine. Saturday morning at 8:00 the heart stopped working. They decided to open him up again. After the second surgery, the heart was working again. They still had him hooked up to the heart machine to keep the beat steady, although it was pumping and beating on its own. The doctors were optimistic about the heart and he was no longer “critical”. During the second surgery, he lost oxygen. They were going to wake him up Saturday night and have him follow some simple commands to check for brain damage. I do not know those results. Then, they did a third surgery and were going to do a fourth on the heart, but got the bleeding under control. They were then concerned, early Sunday morning, about his pupils dilating, as that could mean bleeding in the brain. Sunday morning they did a ct scan and found bleeding in the brain. His parents are flying out to be with him and should have arrived there around 5:00 p.m. Sunday. I believe they will wait until his parents arrive to take him off life supports. The couple's brother is flying back and seeing their two children (7 yrs and 5 yrs) together to tell them about their Daddy.
Please continue to pray for him, as well as his family. His wife is in Edmonton with him, as well as her two brothers (both physicians) and his brother. The children stayed here.
We all know that God can do wonderful Miracles. We have prayed for a Miracle for my friend. Ultimately, God has a plan, and we can't change that. Please pray for healing, comfort and peace for him and his family.
Thanks everyone!!
Posted by Ali Kat at 10:19 a.m. 2 comments
A BioPoem
My friend did this on her blog and encouraged others. So, here goes...
Friendly, Fun-Loving, Stubborn, Bold
Sister and Sister-in-law to several
Lover of Jesus, Hubby - Sleep
Who feels Hurt, Attacked - Accepted
Who needs Hugs/Cuddling, Support, Adoration
Who fears Change, Exclusion - Spiders
Who gives Love, Gifts, Opinions
Who dreams of Performing (big time), My dream house - Being content with life
Bursting with Flavor
Gymnast (My second life alias)
Here's the original for anyone who's interested in blogging this. It would be fun to read this about everyone!
(First name)
(Four traits describing this person)
Brother/sister/ friend of
Lover of (three things or people)
Who feels (three emotions)
Who needs (three things or people)
Who fears (three things)
Who gives (three things)
Who dreams of (three things)
(Metaphor for person)(Last name)
Posted by Ali Kat at 10:05 a.m. 1 comments
Our tree :)
The ride to buy the tree was not very adventurous. But here's a mini funny... Andrew was driving, I was the passenger. He "saw" a "tree lot". I wasn't paying that much attention, so we proceeded to go to the "tree lot". It was a building with lots of land around, on which were lots of evergreen trees. This was not a tree lot. We had a good laugh, I called him a loser. That's the only story about our tree buying adventures.
Oh, for some reason he decided to drive home. The tree was on top of the car and he was holding onto it through the window. I was a little scared, I don't know why I didn't drive in the first place. Well, we made it home and the tree is fine!
I figured since everyone else was posting their trees and decorations, I would too. I know these pictures are not very good, but it's the best I could do.
Posted by Ali Kat at 2:58 p.m. 4 comments
Oma takes the bid!
In our family (both on my side and Andrew's), it's tradition to play a game called "Rook" at family gatherings. Now, I must admit that it's been upheld a lot longer in Andrew's family. I think that since my Grandpa has been in the old folks home we hardly ever play it because he's not there to demand it. But, we still do on rare occasions. The rules change from family to family, and it was hard for me to get used to the ones that Andrew's family uses (I'm such a creature of habit and really don't adapt well to change), but I suck it up and play anyway, 'cause it's a really great game. Okay, okay, I'll get to the point...
Andrew's Oma (Grandma, for you non-germans) is a very timid and reserved person. The fact that she can live through an evening of rook with her family actually makes me think of her a little differently at times. I can't explain the entire game, but I do have to tell a little for you to be able to understand why this topic was worth blogging about. At the beginning of a rook game, you bid (according to the cards in your hand and whether you think you can win the round). The bid usually starts at 100 - 120. You also call a trump color (usually the color with which you have the highest and most amount of cards) and a partner (usually a card you need, but are lacking form the trump color).
I said Oma was timid and reserved - well, here's where that comes in. She rarely bids over 100 (if she starts the bid, it's usually at 80) and sometimes, she won't put a certain card down (even if it would benefit her) because she wants her grandchildren to win or not get down because they lost a hand. Well, Andrew and I had them over for dinner on Friday. We, of course, played some rook afterwards. We had played 5 or 6 rounds, Andrew had dealt, so Oma was to start the bid. But, she did not start at 80, or even 100. She went straight to starting the bid at 120!! Needless to say we were all in complete and utter shock. How could we not take advantage of this situation. Andrew and I look at each other - both with mouths agape. We discuss (with our eyes and some mouthing of words), Opa passes, then I pass, and Andrew passes. Aha, we got you Oma. Now Oma has to take the middle (random cards to help or hinder the person who bid). I was so excited - I don't think I've ever seen Oma take the bid. That's where I got up to get the camera and take the above picture. She's a little scared. Actually - TERRIFIED would be the right word (she definitely looked it). But, we got her, now she's gotta' keep on truckin' :)
Oma won that round - how could she not. There was actually one point where she could put down a card with lots of points to screw up Andrew. She was hesitant, but she even did it (with a little coaxing from me and Opa). Way to go Oma, I'm proud of you!! (I know she won't read this - but enough people in our family do to relay the message.) And after the round was done - Oma looked so relieved. She said she was so stressed out. I didn't want to make too much of a big deal about her bidding, 'cause then she might never do it again. Well, here's hoping...
Posted by Ali Kat at 11:07 a.m. 3 comments
The picture says it all!
'nuff said :)
* For privacy reasons the faces in this picture have been blocked out!!
(Actually, they were never in the picture to begin with, ha, ha!)
Posted by Ali Kat at 3:49 p.m. 3 comments
What a tangled web we weave
I never thought it could be this crazy. First, I married an Andrew. I have a close cousin named Andrew. Not only that, but they have the same middle initial and the same last name. Then, my SIL marries a Kevin. She has a cousin named Kevin, and they share the same middle name. I have two cousin Paul's (they are brother-in-laws), so one is called PJ. This past spring, my cousin married a Michael. Her sister is married to a Michael (one is called Mike) What's even crazier is that I have a SIL Ali. Yes, her brother (my hubby) actually married someone with the same name as his sister. So, his pet name for me eventually caught on with everyone else in his family and for 3 years I was called Sweety-pie (to differentiate between us). Finally, I needed to put an end to it, I couldn't handle being 80 and still being called Sweety-pie. So, last Christmas, I walked into the family gathering and made an announcement. "I will no longer be called Sweety-pie" I said. "I have discussed this with sister Alison, she will be Ali and I will be Alison. I will not answer to Sweety-pie anymore! I WILL NOT be an 80 year old Sweety-pie!!" Well, it pretty much worked. His youngest sister Pam still calls me Sweety-pie. I wouldn't mind so much, except that we are in some shows together. I couldn't have my friends and director hearing that I'm Sweety-pie. So, I threatened her. It worked :) Also, I found out when I tried to up the limit on my credit card that I have an outstanding debt. (NOT MINE, DUMMIES!) How can they actually get me mixed up with her. Our birth dates are different (even different years), my last name wasn't even the same when it happened, I wasn't married yet. And, I've tried getting it off my record, but the schmucks won't do it. I even showed them my marriage and birth certificates. Total idiots. It's still difficult to keep track of who's who, since when we go to Ali's place to visit, there are 3 Al's (her husband is Alex), 2 Ali's, and 2 Alison's. Even if a person agrees to be called a certain thing, it's hard not to answer or be at attention when your full name or nickname's are called. YIKES!
Anyone else have same name families?!?
Posted by Ali Kat at 6:51 p.m. 6 comments
The resilient Fig tree (or so I thought)
Here's a picture of the fig tree with the Christmas lights that didn't last very long...
The story goes like this.
I have a really good friend named David. He used to work at a greenhouse and knows tons about plants and stuff. So, when he moved from Winnipeg to Montreal to go and take his Masters, he had some things he needed to give away. One of these was his fig tree. Now, I have never had any luck with plants. They don't seem to like me very much. So, I was hesitant - but David assured me this was a really resilient tree. You only have to water if once a week, and if you forget a few times it doesn't really matter. You could prune it every once in a while if it's getting too big for you (which I haven't had the guts to do yet), and all in all, it's a pretty tough plant. So, I adopted it. We had it when we were renting my sisters house and then when we moved took it with us. Well, I guess it had grown a great deal since the first transport, because we had to bend some of the branches. I thought it was fine - Andrew was a little worried. So just as we were taking it out of the car to put into the new house - a branch broke - but didn't snap off. So, I asked a friend at work (who also knows a lot about plants) how to fix it (or if it could be fixed at all). He told me to wrap a cloth around the spot where it was broken to secure it and to water that part of it. Well, it worked. After a month or two, the branch could hold it's own. It had a little scar, but other that that it was pretty much healed.
Now, don't go cheering just yet...I thought it would look pretty to have Christmas lights on it this year. So, I proceeded to put lights on the resilient fig tree. Well, the "healed" branch broke again. POOP!! And it was doing so well. So here's my way of fixing it (it kinda' blends in, NOT)!!
Posted by Ali Kat at 3:31 p.m. 4 comments
I'm on hiatus since hubby went to TO with the computer 'till Sunday am!
Sorry :(
Posted by Ali Kat at 11:35 p.m. 1 comments
Ladies, you knew it was coming...
Here are the rules from the male side.
These are our rules!
1. Men are NOT mind readers.
1. Learn to work the toilet seat.
You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down.
We need it up, you need it down.
You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.
1. Sunday sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.
1. Shopping is NOT a sport.
And no, we are never going to think of it that way.
1. Crying is blackmail.
1. Ask for what you want.
Let us be clear on this one:
Subtle hints do not work!
Strong hints do not work!
Obvious hints do not work!
Just say it!
1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do.
Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a Problem.
See a doctor.
1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.
In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 Days.
1. If you won't dress like the Victoria 's Secret girls,
don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.
1. If you think you're fat, you probably are.
Don't ask us.
1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one
1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done.
Not both.
If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials.
1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.
1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.
Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.
1. If it itches, it will be scratched.
We do that.
1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," We will act like nothing's wrong.
We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.
1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine.
1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as CARS, Hunting, Fishing, or NASCAR.
1. You have enough clothes.
1. You have too many shoes.
1. I am in shape.
Round IS a shape!
1. Thank you for reading this.
Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight;
But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.
Posted by Ali Kat at 9:13 p.m. 0 comments
For the women...
He said: I don't know why you wear a bra, you've got nothing to put in it.
She said: You wear pants don't you?
He said: Shall we try swapping positions tonight?
She said: That's a good idea - you stand by the ironing board while I sit on the sofa and fart!
He said: What have you been doing with all the grocery money I gave you?
She said: Turn sideways and look in the mirror!
On a wall in a ladies room "My husband follows me everywhere!" Written just below it...
"I do not!"
Q. How many honest, intelligent, caring men in the world does it take to do the dishes?
A. Both of them.
Q. How does a man show that he's planning for the future?
A. He buys two cases of beer.
Q. What is the difference between men and government bonds?
A. The men mature.
Q. Why are blonde jokes so short?
A. So that men can remember them.
Q. How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper?
A. We don't know; it has never happened.
Q. Why is it difficult to find men who are sensitive, caring and Good-looking?
A. They already have boyfriends.
Q. What do you call a women who knows where her husband is every night?
A. A widow.
Q. Why are married women heavier than single women?
A. Single women come home, see what's in the fridge and go to bed. Married women come home, see what's in bed and go to the fridge
Don't worry guys, there's more to come for you. I'm working on it.
PS ignore all the copyright stuff on the pic, I had to use it anyway!!
Posted by Ali Kat at 12:21 p.m. 1 comments
A funny!
Men are not mind readers. If a man asks a woman if something is wrong and she says "nothing", they will act like nothing's wrong. They know we're lying, but it is just not worth the hassle. And finally, ask for what you want. Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it!
Don't worry, this one was for the men, women, you've got one coming too!!
Posted by Ali Kat at 6:02 p.m. 2 comments
Do Your Boobs Hang Low
Sing this song to the tune: Turkey in the Straw
Note: I know some of you may be distressed by the change of word from ear to BOOB. Suck it up and deal with it, okay?!!
Do your boobs hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot?
Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Can you throw 'em over your shoulder
Like a Continental Soldier?
Do your boobs hang low?
Posted by Ali Kat at 11:41 p.m. 2 comments
Laugh, it's good for you!
I don't know about you guys, but when I hear a baby laugh it makes me laugh too. The giggling and cuteness is just so adorable. Enjoy!!
ps Does anyone have a hot clue what language is (or what is written) at the beginning of the video?
Posted by Ali Kat at 11:38 p.m. 6 comments
Will Ferrell is The Phantom of the Opera
I Love Will Ferrell! I can't wait to see his new movie "Stranger than Fiction". Just thought You'd all enjoy a nice laugh today. ENJOY!!
Posted by Ali Kat at 3:50 p.m. 1 comments
Another dog story
I Love 'puppy'. He's so cuddly and fun. When we go over, he gets so excited and it's nice to see that. Even if there's no human that gets that excited to see me :(
A little while ago we went over to the my MIL's. I was about to open the door to go outside and see 'puppy' when I saw carrot ends lined up at the end of the deck. I asked my MIL what they were there for. She said "The dog lined them up like that". She had thrown the carrot ends outside for him to eat (apparently the vet said they were good for him), and he hadn't eaten them, but lined them up at the end of the deck. I couldn't believe a dog would do that. Too hilarious!! We forgot to take a picture, and threw more out to see if he would do it again, but he didn't. I thought about lining them up myself to take a pic and say the dog did it, but thought I'd put this nice pic of me and 'puppy' up instead.Last Sunday we went to their place again. And as you can see, 'puppy' was excited to see us. In this pic he has just finished giving me lots and lots of kisses, which is why I'm laughing so hard. We watched a movie and 'puppy' snuggled up to me the whole time (he weighs about 60 lbs now). He's so cut and lovable!
I know you're probably all thinking - "Why doesn't she just get a dog already so we can stop having to read about "puppy whithdrawl"?" I think the same thing, but hubby does not. He will not let me get a dog. Oh, to open a box this Christmas and find a cute little puppy with a bow around it's neck :) (That was for hubby to see!)
And... last but definitely not least, here's a pic of puppy giving me a hug!
Posted by Ali Kat at 3:22 p.m. 5 comments
I'm not a huge fan of grapes. I like the green ones a little, but not the red ones. But, my favorite are Concord grapes. MMMmmmmmm ... YUMMY! I know my pics aren't nearly as great as some peoples, but I try, and every once in a while I get a really good one (of course, I don't have them on my computer to prove it).
The problem with buying these grapes is that they're a little pricey and you have to buy a huge basket of them. With only two people in our family right now, it's hard to eat that many grapes before they go bad. So, some are still sitting in the fruit bowl and starting to shrivel up. This is not fun to watch, but if I eat too many I'll get the runs. Okay, too much info, I'll leave it at that!!
Posted by Ali Kat at 10:16 a.m. 9 comments
Baseboards, Baseboards Everywhere
I'm in heaven. Well, not really. It's loud and messy, but we're FINALLY getting our baseboards on!
We got possession of our house on May 15, moved in 3 weeks later, and 4 weeks ago we actually went and bought new baseboards. We were going to just paint the old ones and put them back on, but, as happens in Renos, when our basement garbage pile was being taken to the garbage (what a concept), almost all of the baseboards were taken with. So, we had to buy new ones - which I secretly (well, maybe not so secretly) wanted anyway. My mom came over one Sunday, and we painted them, waited for them to dry (which obviously doesn't take 3 weeks), and now they are finally in the process of being put on. Our house is actually starting to look like a real house! So exciting!!Yesterday, between going to Rona to get all the stuff we needed, Andrew making a box to cut with that didn't work, going back to Rona to get a box that still hardly worked, Andrew cutting his thumb with an olfa knife, and going to pick our cousin up from the airport we didn't get much done. But, today - we have a miter saw that has made things go a lot faster.
Before I finish this entry you need to be able to appreciate it a little more. Andrew hates me blogging. He's asked me for help at least 6 times with things that he didn't REALLY need help with. He's bugged me to stop at least 3 times, and when I asked him the names of the tools (you didn't actually think I knew them, did you?) he told me to look it up myself. Yet, I don't feel guilty. Is that wrong? I enjoy blogging. And, I admit, at first it took up a lot of my time. But, I don't spend that much time at it anymore. I'm getting into the creative writing a lot faster than I though I could, and I browse a lot faster now too. Just thought you should know how much effort was put into this short little meaningless blog :)
Posted by Ali Kat at 1:25 p.m. 7 comments
Water on Top, Ggrrrrr!!
This is a complaint post. If you do not want any negativity brought into your otherwise happy day, then I suggest you do not read any further.
Okay, this is a beef I've had for a very long time, and I'm pretty sure, it cannot be solved in a way I will be happy with. But, I need to vent about it anyway.
Here's a really nice looking glass of iced tea. It only looks nice 'cause it's just been poured and the ice is fresh and it's still as strong as it should be. But, by the time I'm done writing this blog and doing some emailing, it will be watered down and all the ice will be half melted (if not completely). I will then have to either stir it to get rid of the layer of water at the top, add some more powder, or pour a new glass altogether. Some of you may be thinking - "Why doesn't she just not use ice cubes?". Good point, except that's not a possibility. Iced tea does not taste good without ice cubes, believe me, I've tried, I'd rather not have any if there aren't ice cubes in it. There are now others saying - "Why doesn't she just drink it faster?". Also a good point, and I've tried that as well, but I'm just not a guzzler of drinks, especially when they're nice and cold (because of so many ice cubes). It's a lose lose situation that I force onto myself. Well, off I go, to fix the glass in some way so I don't have to deal with tasting the gross, watered down version of iced tea that you get in the restaurants. There's a reason I prefer it at home, made by me!!
Posted by Ali Kat at 10:50 a.m. 3 comments
A new cousin!
Well, I believe the correct term would be "cousin once removed", since he's my cousin's child. His name is John Daniel - isn't he so adorable. He's only 5 days old in this pic. I couldn't believe how beautiful he was. I mean my cousin and her husband are both quite good looking, but I thought newborns all looked the same. You know, the old wrinkly grandpa look, with a misshaped head and discolored skin. Not John, no way!! I went to the hospital the day after he was born and was just mesmerized. Maybe the reason I'm so taken up with him is not only because he's so cute ... ?
I have a really sweet pic of my niece and nephew with John, but my sister doesn't want me to post their pics on the web (totally understandable). So, y'all have to deal with me instead. Sorry :p
Posted by Ali Kat at 12:54 p.m. 2 comments
My Crazy Husband :)
These pictures were taken on Monday, October 9, Thanksgiving Monday at the Lake. I state the date so clearly because it was quite cold that weekend, frost on the trees and ground that morning.
There's this saying at the lake: "Top Chicken". I'm sure many of you could guess what that means, but todays entry is not a prize entry (sorry Reggie), so I'll explain. There are many different types of people in this world. Some are the "dip your toes in" type, others the "go in bit by bit" type, and I believe the majority of people in my husband's family are the "Just jump in and get it over with" type. I'm talking about swimming, just to clarify! I find myself in every category at some point or another, but I'm mostly the "I'm only going in if I'm extremely hot and sweaty" type (even though I lifeguarded for 7 years - maybe because I lifeguarded for so long). Anyhoo, Andrew's family can be pretty annoying when it comes to wanting swimmers to join them, so I often give in. The "Top Chicken" would be the last person to go in the lake on any given weekend. Well, how could I possibly accept that title? Who wants to have that in their history? Not me. Although I do believe it happened once... okay, maybe twice... I TOLD YOU I'M A "go in only if hot and sweaty" TYPE, OKAY!!! Well, this time, everyone except Andrew was "Top Chicken". Andrew wakes up Monday morning, chipper and cheerful. Without making any sort of announcement, he decides to go for a swim. The water must have been about 10 degrees (50 F for you silly Americans). That's flippin' freezing, in case you couldn't figure that out. So, I had to witness this! Down I trot to the bottom of the hill in my socks and shoes, fleecy pants and bunny hug (aka: hoody/sweatshirt). I get a peek around the corner of him dipping his head in the water while lying down (as seen on the left). I decide that's not good enough, so I tell him he absolutely HAS to go in all the way. I mean, what's he doing down there if he's not gonna' jump in? So, he proceeds (with much caution) to the edge of the floating dock. And... he jumps in (backwards, so as to be able to climb out directly after) and is out within 3 seconds. I almost hollered "You're the top chicken!", but how could I risk getting pushed in with all these clothes on? Plus, it was very brave of him and I was actually very proud. So was he, apparently ...
Posted by Ali Kat at 5:54 p.m. 6 comments
I'm Baaack!
So, my crazy husband was disappointed with the amount of time I was spending blogging. "Coincidentally", he decided he needed the computer at work these past two weeks. I'm net deprived and he's working longer. This means I'm more bored, with NO computer, AAGGGGHHHHH!! (Oh, and no husband;) Anyhoo, it's late, you're probably all bored reading this anyway, and I don't have anything short and good to write, so I'll sign off.
To my Fellow Bloggers: Please do not stop reading. I have lots of good stories to come, as soon as I get the computer back before 11 pm!
Posted by Ali Kat at 11:33 p.m. 2 comments
Digital Camera
This picture was taken at the lake when we went with our friends John and Emilie. I had just put new batteries in the camera and couldn't believe what was happening. You can see that my husband didn't make it to the picture in time and couldn't remember where he was supposed to go (John pointing, me hollering "here", Opa wondering whether to smile or not, and Em and Oma posing like good little girls). Well, that's because the batteries were dying and proceeded to become dead so we could not take the group picture that I so desperately wanted to put on my blog. Instead, you get to look at the funny faces and unprepared bodies! Guess that makes for a better entry anyway. I don't get it, I mean, I know that digital cameras use a lot of battery power, but I never realized that they would die after taking two pictures. I'm ticked, and rightly so. The only thing that redeems this situation is that we won the camera at a social, so we can't really complain. The amount of money we're spending on batteries for this sucker will soon add up to the price of the camera (I don't even know how much it is worth). I've heard that when you're importing pics to the computer it sucks up the battery. I also heard you can get a plug (like an AC adaptor) for the camera - I'm gonna do that soon. Anyhoo, just needed to vent a little!
Posted by Ali Kat at 10:32 a.m. 4 comments
Reggie Wins!!
You must have kids! Enjoy the prize :D
This is my nephew, who proceeded to sneeze all over his auntie's (thank goodness not this auntie's) face!
Posted by Ali Kat at 6:05 p.m. 3 comments
Perogies :D
Okay, Okay. I know it's been a while. I don't know why - have no excuse :( Anyhoo...
Today, I was making perogies all day. I've never made them before, so my mother-in-law, two oma's and my sister-in-law came over to help. YIKES, was it a crazy day! We had lots of fun and took a break for lunch in between with opa stopping by (typical man just coming for the food).
I was particularly excited because I've been craving perogies for a while. These perogies are actually called verenicke. They don't have the gross cheddar cheese or potato in them like you have probably had, but rather cottage cheese. SSSSssssssoooooooooooo YUMMMMmmmMMMMY!!! We also made fruit perogies with blueberries and plums, which are also really tasty!
The only downside to making them with tons of people is that I don't have very many in my freezer because we had to split them all up. I guess I couldn't have made 200+ perogies on my own anyway, so I still feel very blessed. Blessed with omas who teach us all the things their omas taught them and so on. Blessed to have a house and kitchen in which said perogies could be made. Blessed to have a family that gets along and has tons of fun together. Blessed to have a mother-in-law that loves me just like her own kids. Okay, I'm getting all verklempt and way too cheesy for my own good.
It was fun and now I've got free food waiting to be consumed :) The other thing that was really exciting today, was I got to see "puppy"! Woo hoo ;) He's so big now, I know he's gonna get bigger. He's so cute and playful. I had feared he wouldn't remember me, but he totally did! He came to me and played and listened so well. How am I gonna convince Andrew that we NEED a dog. I feel so lonely everyday, a dog would solve so many of my problems (although I'm sure it'd create some too). Oh crap, he's only been gone half an hour and I'm already going through puppy withdrawal :'(
TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)
Posted by Ali Kat at 3:40 p.m. 6 comments
"Puppy withdrawal"
When my husband and I were dating, we talked about being in withdrawal. He would tell me he was in "Alison withdrawal" and I would say "I'm going through Andrew withdrawal". Well, now that we've been married for a little over 3 years, we don't really go through that anymore. However, for the last little while I've been in "Puppy withdrawal". You see, My mother-in-law got a cute golden retriever puppy a few months ago. I saw him often in the summer because we went to the lake and spent more time with family. There's something about a puppy's face and the way they snuggle and play that is just so fun! I even find myself having giggle fits when he comes up and licks my toes, or decides to jump on my face as I'm basking and relaxing in the sun on the dock. Now that September is almost over, I haven't seen "puppy" for a few weeks and I'm missing him very much. You may wonder why I do not call "puppy" by name. He has a name that I love, a name that was being reserved (when I say reserved I mean by me only, and was not made knowledgeable to the public - why would I have to, I thought) for a future child I would have - if it's in God's plans for me to have a boy. So, you can imagine my great disappointment and subsequent frustration when I found out that they named the puppy Luc (I would not spell it the French way, as I am not French, but rather it would be Luke)!! So I complained, much to my dismay, as I did not realize how stubborn my father-in-law is, and his name is still Luc. Oh, I call him many things, like pooky, shmookie, puppy (my favorite), buddy - anything to get out of calling him my beautiful (unborn) boys name. I just can't bring myself to call a dog by a human name. I miss "Puppy" :( Maybe we'll have a visit this week?!
Posted by Ali Kat at 3:47 p.m. 6 comments
jlippi lives on!
I know most of you are wondering "What or who the heck is jlippi?" So, here's the story of jlippi (whose name does not deserve capital letters).
This past July, my husband, sister-in-law, her husband and I, all piled into our tiny little Chevy Aveo 5 and drove 32 hours down to visit my other sister-in-law, her husband and 3 children in North Carolina. Some of you may not be able to imagine the things that happen on a trip so long in such a small space with 4 crazy relatives. I'm here to give you some advice. "DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS, UNLESS IN DIRE CIRCUMSTANCES (dire - definition: extremely serious or urgent)!" Well, okay, it wasn't that bad. Besides the wrong turns, marital disputes, annoying accents, lack of sleep, cramped legs, disgusting gas station bathrooms, almost getting killed by a semi on the freeway, smelly breath, bad food (that gives you gas), roadkill and general crankiness, all in all it was a really fun time :p
jlippi. We named our car jlippi after the trip. jlippi, with a silent 'j'. How do I start?
There's this game we play, called SOLO, it's very much like UNO, just a little more fast paced with a few twists and turns. So, we're sitting and waiting for Claire (the mother of 3) to come and play SOLO. We're waiting... and waiting...... and waiting......... So, I get up to get a snack, BOL is sitting quiet and patiently, hubby is hollering for oldest sis, the 7 year old is getting very impatient, along with Auntie (the 21 year old). So Auntie decides to start drawing. It begins innocently (even though she's not a drawing artist but rather a painter, as you'll see later). The Russian accent comes out (see: annoying accents) and she begins to form jlippi. The duck with lips (is it really a duck? I'm not sure). Maybe it's a cross between a duck and a pigeon?!? You tell me. I also have a video on our camera with jlippi, in jlippi, but I can't figure out how to load it to the computer, and then I'd also have to know how to link it here. I may be computer literate, but I definitely can't do that much.
So, a few weeks ago, auntie and her husband (BOL) were over at our house helping with painting the basement. Auntie didn't feel too great about her "house painting" abilities. So, she took it upon herself to do some artwork on our faux fireplace. The problem now is, I can still see it through the first layer of paint. Does anyone have a solution? I think I'm gonna try a light sanding, maybe that will get rid of the profanity :o I thought you might need to see the original to be able to give some advice:
jlippi LIVES ON!!!
Posted by Ali Kat at 11:50 a.m. 5 comments
A Poem
Blogger is down
My pictures won't load
It's making me frown
And almost explode
Since I can't write
The entry I planned
I thought I'd make light
Of the situation at hand
Bloggers of the universe
Take heed and don't diss
It'll only get worse
So I'll leave it at this
Posted by Ali Kat at 10:44 a.m. 1 comments
Work: What it means to some people
This blog is about people who are supposedly at work but in reality spend all of their time surfing through cyber-world reading pointless blogs and sharing their pointless opinions. Oh yeah, you know who you are! You think you can just stop and smell the flowers, all day long. Well, guess what, I know your secrets and I'm out to get ya.
You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not shout
I'm tellin' you why
Ali Kat is gonna' get ya
I say no more!!!
* Creative juices - in yo face
Posted by Ali Kat at 11:31 a.m. 3 comments
Giant Zucchinis everywhere
I needed a break. I can barely type 'cause my arms are so dead! I'll give you a prize if you can guess why :p I'm grating zucchini, but not just any normal size zucchini. You see, this is a GIANT one. We've had at least 5 huge ones, but this is the biggest so far (knock on wood). So, I need to grate it and freeze it, so that in the middle of winter, when I'm pining for some chocolate zucchini cake (YUMMY!) then I can take it out of the freezer and go crazy.
Now, I'm not a big zucchini fan, I don't eat it other than in the cake. But, Andrew so desperately wanted a "garden" this year that I made what I think is a pretty awesome deal with him. In the middle of our flower and plant filled yard, we have this round area where there was really fantastic soil. Andrew didn't want the soil to go to waste (I said it could be moved to another spot), but he really wanted to plant something right there. So, I told him he could plant whatever he wanted there, if next summer, I can have a fire pit in the middle. He agreed, very reluctantly, and now we've had cucumber and zucchini coming out of our buts all summer long. I'm the one who's suffering by having to grate this stupid, gigantic zucchini. (I should have taken the pic before I cut it, oh well, y'all get the idea.) However, I did put me foot beside it so you could see how big it actually is (BTW - I have size 8 1/2 feet)
Even though my arms are still trembling, I should get back to grating.
Until next time...
Posted by Ali Kat at 11:04 a.m. 4 comments
The Lake
We have not been to the lake as much as we would have liked this summer, for various reasons. We went to North Carolina to visit my sister-in-law and her husband and 3 beautiful children, I was in Boston getting (hee, hee) a prosthetic device (I prefer calling it a lens) made for my eye, and we're still trying to get our basement in livable condition (which I've almost given up hope on)! So, we don't have many pictures from the lake and this is the only one of Andrew and me that's not totally goofy. Others have me biting his ear, double chins, and lots of just being silly!
The lake for us is a time to forget about everything going on at home and just veg. We stay up late, sleep in, read, go for walks and sometimes water ski/tube. The latter of which can only be done if my father-in-law or uncle are there, because they don't trust Andrew to drive the boat (totally ridiculous, but what can you do when you're not helping pay for or fix it?)! Andrew's parents also bring out their ATV's and we've gone for a few long treks on them to visit beaver dams, see wildlife and explore secret beaches (which my mother-in-law was disappointed to find out are not actually secret). I find being at the lake rejuvenating and relaxing. We also play a lot of games, which I think I like more than Andrew. You see, being the youngest child with two sisters significantly older than me, meant they were past the game phase when I got there. My parents didn't have time to play games, and the only cousin my age didn't live very close. So, I'm trying to make up for my game deprivation at 26 by playing games any chance I get. I also feel it's my duty to play them with the younger cousins now, so they don't have the pain and agony later in life - because I know what that feels like ;)
All in all, the lake is beautiful, fun, restful and a place to unwind and regenerate for the busy week ahead. This weekend, we're only able to make it for 1 day/1 nite, but it's the first time I'll be there with friends, and I'm so excited and pumped! See ya Saturday John and Em!!
Posted by Ali Kat at 9:57 a.m. 5 comments
I feel like I've just entered a new world!
I can't believe I'm doing this! I've thought about it for a while and the day is finally here. Hopefully all my blogging friends will be proud of me (even though I know my writing skills are not as good as theirs :)
Coming soon...
My adventures!
Posted by Ali Kat at 6:06 p.m. 1 comments